Great Expectations

9/13/24 I received a phone call a few minutes ago. Someone was calling to tell us that something we’d been given annually, here at church, was no longer going to be free for us because the person who has been giving it has passed away.

Are you seeing what I’m seeing here?

It’s like reverse salvation!

We now need to pay, because the person who paid has died…

As opposed to Jesus, who paid when he died…so that we don’t have to pay after his death.

I love when little things - simple things - cause me to sit up and notice.

Notice the good things God has done for us. Notice the ways that he speaks to us through everyday occurrences. Notice the gifts he gives us all the time that are so easy to miss.

It is especially important to notice in a time when I really need to depend on him. Like right now. I mean, I always should be depending on him…but right now it just feels so obvious. So clear.

I need to trust him. To really see things. To keep my eyes open to the ways he’s working.

“Trust me,”. He’s saying. “Just as you did when you did that big thing last month.”

Why is it so much easier to trust in the big things?

It’s the daily stuff that gets us down.

Please, God…I am expectant. I am excited to see how you work. Please help me to leave it at that and not start in with the “yes, buts…”

Just leave them be. Set them aside. Let them go.

Keep on being excited for what he’s going to do. Keep on trusting that he is, indeed, working.

“But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.” Micah 7:7.

1 Comment

Nancy - October 21st, 2024 at 1:22pm

Thanks. I needed that



