Go ahead. Make the call.
This is the last picture I took of my mom from the last time I saw her last summer. She didn’t like smiling for photos since her stroke in 2007. When that happened we thought we might lose her, but thankfully we were given 15 more years to enjoy her sense of humor and her theological discussions.
The last time I spoke with her my husband and I were at JFK airport in New York. I decided to call from there as I thought my dad would get a kick out of it as that’s the airport he flew out of for several years as a pilot with Pan American World Airways. Mom didn’t remember that we’d gone to NYC and was confused by that, but we had a nice short talk and I’ll forever be thankful that I made that call.
She died four days later.
Do you ever have someone come to mind unexpectedly? Or feel a nudge to get in touch with someone even if it isn't, perhaps, the most convenient moment? I always feel like those are times that I can't ignore. If you feel there is someone you should call...please do so. Or at least text. If you normally wouldn't be in touch with that person, it doesn't matter. That's better, even! Don't worry if they might find it surprising. Do it anyway. Just say hello. Nothing deep. Nothing difficult. Just hello. You never know what a difference it could make for them...or for you.
I know these aren't deep thoughts on this Mother's Day, but they're where my mind is going this morning. I mean, I could talk forever about my mom. But that's just too much today. So I just encourage you to be in touch. I'm forever grateful that I followed the nudge to call my parents from the airport. In the noise and the anxiety of such a place, it wasn't perhaps the more convenient time...but I did it and it turned out to be the last time I heard Mom's voice. And not only that, but it was a memorable call - normally my calls would just be typical weekly calls - but this was in the middle of the week, and from a special place.
And it will forever be cherished.
Make that call. To whomever it is on your mind and heart.
And then tell me if you do, and how it went. I'd love to hear about it.
The last time I spoke with her my husband and I were at JFK airport in New York. I decided to call from there as I thought my dad would get a kick out of it as that’s the airport he flew out of for several years as a pilot with Pan American World Airways. Mom didn’t remember that we’d gone to NYC and was confused by that, but we had a nice short talk and I’ll forever be thankful that I made that call.
She died four days later.
Do you ever have someone come to mind unexpectedly? Or feel a nudge to get in touch with someone even if it isn't, perhaps, the most convenient moment? I always feel like those are times that I can't ignore. If you feel there is someone you should call...please do so. Or at least text. If you normally wouldn't be in touch with that person, it doesn't matter. That's better, even! Don't worry if they might find it surprising. Do it anyway. Just say hello. Nothing deep. Nothing difficult. Just hello. You never know what a difference it could make for them...or for you.
I know these aren't deep thoughts on this Mother's Day, but they're where my mind is going this morning. I mean, I could talk forever about my mom. But that's just too much today. So I just encourage you to be in touch. I'm forever grateful that I followed the nudge to call my parents from the airport. In the noise and the anxiety of such a place, it wasn't perhaps the more convenient time...but I did it and it turned out to be the last time I heard Mom's voice. And not only that, but it was a memorable call - normally my calls would just be typical weekly calls - but this was in the middle of the week, and from a special place.
And it will forever be cherished.
Make that call. To whomever it is on your mind and heart.
And then tell me if you do, and how it went. I'd love to hear about it.
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