Community Kids' Camp!
Think back: you're small. Young. Impressionable. You're at church. A place you find acceptance. Kindness. Creativity. It's summer. It's hot. It's boring.
And then, in the midst of your hot boredom, along comes Vacation Bible School. The ever-loving VBS!
The. Best. Week. Of. The. Year!!
Remember that feeling?! Not only were there stories, there were snacks. Not only were there songs, there were SHOUTED songs. Not only were there crafts, there were games. Not only were there old friends there were new ones, too. And not only were there challenges, there were contests. And there were prizes (pride of winning, mostly). And there were memory verses. And there were straight-up memories.
Which, clearly, I have never forgotten.
I am delighted to say that we are bringing all of that - mostly - here to Worthington this summer with our Community Kids' Camp!
June 5-8, from 5:30-8p.m., here at First United Methodist Church, we will host Community Kids' Camp, a joint effort between FUMC, Living Waters Covenant, American Lutheran and First Lutheran churches. There is a suggested donation of $5 per child with a $15 cap per family, which can be paid on the first night. We would love for people to sign up their kids - or grandkids or nieces and nephews - by May 21st, if possible, so that we can get the right number of supplies prepared. You can sign up by calling the church at 507.372-2939. There is also a QR code on the posters that you might see posted at church or around town.
We for sure will need volunteers! If you'd like to volunteer in any one of the following ways, please see me, Gretchen, or talk with Lori in the office or Pastor Daren. Here's a list of some of the ways you can volunteer:
Trail Guide: stays with the kids throughout the evening.
Kitchen leader: oversee the kitchen nightly - does not cook
Cooks - for one night only (the other churches take the other nights)
Game leader and assistant: nightly
Craft leader and assistant: nightly
Registration table: could be nightly or just one night
We also will need cookies (not bars), apples and carrots on June 5th.
There are some other volunteer opportunities, too, which we haven't figured out yet, so feel free to ask! Anyone from 6th grade on up is welcome to help.
Please consider volunteering with us for this memory-making opportunity! Even if just for one night, you will be so welcome and have fun seeing the kids as they have fun, I know. Thank you!
And then, in the midst of your hot boredom, along comes Vacation Bible School. The ever-loving VBS!
The. Best. Week. Of. The. Year!!
Remember that feeling?! Not only were there stories, there were snacks. Not only were there songs, there were SHOUTED songs. Not only were there crafts, there were games. Not only were there old friends there were new ones, too. And not only were there challenges, there were contests. And there were prizes (pride of winning, mostly). And there were memory verses. And there were straight-up memories.
Which, clearly, I have never forgotten.
I am delighted to say that we are bringing all of that - mostly - here to Worthington this summer with our Community Kids' Camp!
June 5-8, from 5:30-8p.m., here at First United Methodist Church, we will host Community Kids' Camp, a joint effort between FUMC, Living Waters Covenant, American Lutheran and First Lutheran churches. There is a suggested donation of $5 per child with a $15 cap per family, which can be paid on the first night. We would love for people to sign up their kids - or grandkids or nieces and nephews - by May 21st, if possible, so that we can get the right number of supplies prepared. You can sign up by calling the church at 507.372-2939. There is also a QR code on the posters that you might see posted at church or around town.
We for sure will need volunteers! If you'd like to volunteer in any one of the following ways, please see me, Gretchen, or talk with Lori in the office or Pastor Daren. Here's a list of some of the ways you can volunteer:
Trail Guide: stays with the kids throughout the evening.
Kitchen leader: oversee the kitchen nightly - does not cook
Cooks - for one night only (the other churches take the other nights)
Game leader and assistant: nightly
Craft leader and assistant: nightly
Registration table: could be nightly or just one night
We also will need cookies (not bars), apples and carrots on June 5th.
There are some other volunteer opportunities, too, which we haven't figured out yet, so feel free to ask! Anyone from 6th grade on up is welcome to help.
Please consider volunteering with us for this memory-making opportunity! Even if just for one night, you will be so welcome and have fun seeing the kids as they have fun, I know. Thank you!
Sounds like a ton of fun. For me , singing at the top of my lungs!!!!
I want to hear that!