Bows and Bibles


Mission statement and purpose –

 To promote the word of Christ by gathering in discipleship, to engage with each other in God’s word, offer prayers, devotions, and have fun with games and archery and how they can relate to Christ and his offer of grace to all of us.

 This is an ecumenical event open to all who have an interest in archery, want to share that interest, and an interest and passion for Christ, regardless of where you worship, for we are all one church in Christ.

We will be  meeting one Sunday per month from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.

 The location is at the Southwest Bowbenders Archery Club, 27150 Plotts Ave. Worthington MN., or ½ mile south of Hwy 59/60 on County. Rd. 57 on the east side of the road.
This is open to all ages, but only age 8 and older will get to shoot.  

Please bring your own Bibles if you have one, if not we will have extra's

  Southwest Bowbenders will provide the archery equipment. We hope to have everyone that wants to will get a chance to shoot, but that will depend on the numbers.
   If you are interested in joining us, please sign-up either by a sign-up sheet in your church or   to sign up online click here.